Tourist Information And Promotion Center


Tourist Information and Promotion Center Zărnești

Tourist Information and Promotion Center Zărnești offers local, regional and national tourist information. Inaugurated in March 2016, the National Center for Tourist Information and Promotion Zărnești has as main objectives the promotion and enhancement of the tourist heritage of Zărnești, as well as informing visitors about the tourist offer in the area - touristic sights, accommodation, restaurants, leisure opportunities, events, activities that can be practiced in the area, maps and tourist routes.

Starting with 2024, from the Zărnești tourist information center, visitors can purchase souvenirs, beautiful memories with love from #zarnesti :

~magnets- Zărnești town, Piatra Craiului Mountains

~fullprint t-shirts 

~cotton t-shirts 

~Badges, Flashlights 

~print mugs, thermoses coffee/tea 

~pillows, caps and travel hats, folding jackets, foldable raincoats

~sets of pens, pencils, touch pens 

~buffers, print hats, multifunctional knives, foldable textile bags 

Every year, approx. 7000 tourists arrive at the tourist information center in Zărnești, the busiest time of the year being the summer season. As a reference, in 2019 the number of arriving tourists increased by approx. 54% compared to 2016 (the year of the inauguration). Most of the tourists are foreigners (over 60% of the visitors), who come from countries such as: Germany, Israel, Great Britain, Spain, Holland, Belgium or France.

*Nature - Experiences - Leisure  #visitzarnesti


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